Seven Demons, Seven Deadly Sins

Seven deadly sins, Each formed from the loins of an equally devastating demon. Their birth certificates emblemed with a seal of death. The first made in complete likeness of his father named for his complacency in the fall, said to be the eldest brother in this family of socially acceptable degenerates. Pride, Lucifers main man, the guy who plagues us when we feel run down, run over, and pushed through. It is Pride we have to battle, It is lucifers first on the scene, his infantry, his hit man, his not so secret, secret weapon, Pride is the one thing that needs no ride to arrive on the scene but rather he is an unnecessary built in feature to this mortal shell our soul calls home.

Love is a gift that is unconditional in its bestowing and whose commitment is everlasting. But Christ speaks directly of one thing that in the allotment of love to this we find we are walking on a line of the living dead. Mammon the father of a sin so easily committed when little is gained one looses their propriety and is drawn to gaining much more than could ever be useful in their lifetime. It is not in an item that this demon resides but rather in the heart of a man who can see not, past the day in which he lives and the death ridden capsule he calls his toned, tanned, and touched up body.

Asmodeus, not the house hold name your were looking for? Well I will take a gander in saying that you are all to familiar with his son Lust. Ah, lust good old you think I’m love but boy do I cause a great infection in you little, worthless, over celebrated heart. You will fool yourself into believing that this unhealthy desire that pulls you in is the same as the God given, unconditional gift of love. This little sickening perversion of perfection is closely related to Mammon. For they both lay the same trap of self need. That feeling you get when you lack something that please you, something that pleases your carnal desires, and these desires we find reach no deeper then the layer of self pleasure.

So you want it right? You long for it? You “need it”! But you can’t have it!  But by golly when I look closely I can see that every one around me seems to no longer have the need. Leviathan, mentioned as a great beast in Job is found to be the name bestowed upon the father of want the father of greed, in olden times this sin was named Envy. It is a debilitating diesis of self pity and shame when you look to see that what  you lack is what you crave. Constantly searching for what you have not looking upon others as if they want not. The cure is simple, easy, and concise be content with what you have do not seek a vice.

I don’t want to do it, I will just watch T.V. Get someone else to do it for me. We hire people to do the work because for us the motto has become why do it when you can just pay someone. Self motivation and self preservation have become so low on our scale of survival that we reach out to others to make our way tolerable. Belphegor better known as Sloth is the murderer of dreams and if not controlled will be the killer of us all. We have gotten so used to a world of instantaneity that if anything takes time or effort we mark it down as unholy. Unobtainable and untouchable let others do that stuff, I am to good and to high to work with that bunch.

Just a little more we tell ourselves, a little more will not hurt. The passion of constantly yearning for seeking after more. Not being content with what you have,we give into this sin called Beelzebub. This sin of Gluttony is often portrayed as a man of great weight consuming in excess but each of us in his own way has the thing on which they obsess. To take more then needed ,to be greedy, this is sin also has a close ties with those demons of Sloth,Greed,and Envy.

Now we come to the king, the leader of them all. The one whose destruction inspired this all. Satan himself the lord of Wrath sits on his thrown creating these paths. So here we are sitting down for a brief interview asking him how all these sins affect you. “So Mr. Live and Let Live would you mind divulging your plan, your plan of destruction for all men. Not surprisingly his answer was true as he said why not its has all been placed in the open for your viewing pleasure. He went on to tell of his will of destruction that God would weep endlessly at this worlds conclusion. With a nod of his head and a chuckle in his voice he stated with Pride that although he worked right out in the open those of high status ne’er  acknowledged his great plan. It is you who have propagated my will to the world, who have allowed this sins to become your own.” People dismissed him as a myth, a legend of old they thought he was harmless they made him a powerless foe.

So here is the conclusion to these awful feigns. Its not who they are or what your relationship to them may seem, that decides your fate or in fact our future but rather if you will allow them to keep bringing you pleasure. The pleasure of self, of walking our own path allowing our self interest to come before the rest. Will you allow these ministers of evil to bring you down or will you press on until God’s will abounds. For words of encouragement I offer but a few, allow God to re-amp all your desires and to once again renew the yearning for his will and for your life to be complete to destroy this heart of darkness that is full of foul destain to transform it into something that will forever glorify his name.

Consume Me

          Lonely and desolate my heart feels torn. A little piece of me cries out for more. Someone to notice, someone to care, someone to stand beside me when life seems unfair. I just want someone to ask, to take enough time, to care how I am doing and want more then a simple reply. To be willing to hear how my soul is in pain to care about how in reality my mask is so obviously there to hide my shame. I want someone who is willing to look into my eyes, to see beyond the smile I hide behind. To not just care to dump their troubles on me but to be willing to give and take, what a new feeling that would be. Someone to show up, to be there for me. To be the rock I lean on when everyone else seems to leave.I cry out to God tears streaming down my face sitting alone in the middle of this crowded place. Trying to understand how I got here again. The pain I am feeling is nothing new it has become the story of my life starting in my youth. For years and years I have failed to find a faithful friend who remains by my side. Going back and forth with God I can see the pain is never what he intend for me. He wants me to grow to be refined by his fire but its hard to see his plan when I have been sucked into one of the lies of the King of Liars. “You are not good enough, you never were, don’t you see its what makes you you that they try to avoid. They run away from you hideous life, when they see the real you, its your core that they despise. Its not the mask I have provided you that turns them away its you and your ugly display. You are broken and gone not worth others time do you not see how my point has been proven over time.” His bombardment wears me down it rattles my core. The foundations I stand upon are seeming to look like nothing more, then a trap I have built for my own demise, the life I have built with a rotting supplies. I don’t want to be discouraged, I want to press on but it seems that alas whats is broken is what I am leaning upon. I know what to do, I  know where to crawl but I am tired of having to brace my own fall. The darkness that is hidden so deep in my heart is threatening to be unveiled in my new found part. Once again no matter with the intentions I have tried my struggles have been in vain because of one simple lie. I thought I had handed it all over to Him but I guess I have taken it all back again. I find it difficult to let go, to be caught up completely in the healing flow. I want to surrender I want to be made complete but part of me cant trust him when I cant see my own feet. I want to be able to look ahead to see the path on which I tread. But God demands that I walk fully reliant on him. To be blind folded and to let go of my sin. To trust that where he leads will be for my best and that with every struggle there is a test. He will not lead where I need not go, his only desire is that I might grow. He ask that with my eyes shut tight and my arms open wide I let his healing power wash my anxiety aside. To let my prayer flow freely to his throne above to trust in him for every inkling of love. To let my heart be made complete in him. To allow the majesty of His grace to begin. To work in my life and to make all things complete that his will for me may match his beat. To move to the rhythm he has set for my heart, to find the passion in my ministry and to stop just playing a part. To reach out to those who may be in need and to see beyond what my eyes can only perceive. God let me hear your heart let your melody move my feet. That your love may flow through me like a song made to be sweet. Let your will be my life and my actions reflect that choice, the choice to allow you to be my voice. To fall into your arms content in your love to allow you to hold me close in your protective bosom. Be my comforter be my guide but most importantly be the courage who stands by my side. Give me the strength to walk into a crowd knowing that your presence will abound. I want to stand up for you no matter what that may look like, help me to never fear to reflect you in my life. I make this stand I commit it all to you now, help me to never take back my vow. I love you lord and I know you will always be by my side, help me to never be ashamed because of my pride. I will stand, I will not fear, you have died for me and hung naked on a cross all you ask of me could never match that loss. I will stand tall I will stand firm with the strength you give me I will always and forever burn, with your consuming power and your wondrous light. I promise I will always be one who shines bright.